Here are, in a blog format, some selected Q&A from our Facebook Page entitled "Safety First", all available at

Safety issues are often tricky. Decisions are tough. Plus, we are surrounded by all sort of myths and pressures. Nonetheless, we must always remain crystal clear. There cannot be grey lines. 

So, here are short answers to some common safety questions I have had and that are often misunderstood. Use it as you wish, as a reference, a reminder or as a quizz. Visit our Facebook page "Safety First", and please, do not hesitate to comment and send your own questions.


No matter how long you wear them, safety glasses will not harm your vision anymore than eyeglasses.

However, this is not true for over glasses, i.e., safety glasses you wear on top of your prescription glasses.

Thus, if you are required to wear protective eyewear and you also wear prescription glasses or contact lenses regularly, you should consider investing in a good pair of prescription safety glasses to avoid having to wear two pairs of glasses on the job, which could be inconvenient.


50 to 80% of fire deaths are caused by smoke inhalation. Hot gases kill more than flames 🔥 !


Because fixed guards are permanent (always protecting and not removable without a tool), they are usually the safest. However, they might require to be disassembled and reinstalled for any maintenance.


Usually, and this is pretty much true worldwide, companies set traffic rules in such a way that the pedestrians always has the right of way. In some countries like the USA, it is even a legal requirement.

Thus, forklift operators should always slow down and sound their horn at doorways, crossings, blind spots and when entering or exiting a building.


YOUR TURN - Now, tell me, what is your safety question?

Teddy Lalande
Juin 2019

1 comment:

  1. If your job or profession requires you to wear protective eyewear and you also wear prescription glasses or contact lenses regularly, you should consider investing in a good pair of prescription safety glasses to avoid having to wear two pairs of glasses on the job, which could be inconvenient.
